My Astrology Journey
Liezl JamesHello there Astrology explorer, I am Liezl (lee-zil) James.
I luuurrrvvve helping people unveil their mysteries and acknowledge their talents! I’m here to help you find clues to your purpose, how to best approach the stuff of life, and to shine a light on your aspirations.
I translate the universal cosmic language of Astrology symbolism - and together we figure out what it means for you - Sherlock Holmes style.
My Astrology Journey
At 13 years old I came across Linda Goodman’s Love signs book. I carried it with me everywhere for years! Being annoyingly analytical, I constantly tested the sign interactions against real-life interactions. And yes, I drove my friends batty!
I received my first grown up Astrology book on my 22nd birthday - Astrology, A cosmic science, by Isabel M. Hickey. It was beautiful, the inscription from my partner was beautiful, and it was waaaayy over my head! I went through sheaves of paper attempting to draw a perfect chart, but never trusted my math enough to read from a hand drawn attempt. I turned to early Astrology internet app's, and spent another decade looking up everyone’s charts and trying to decipher them.
By my early 30’s I still hadn’t had enough about trying to understand us and our place in the universe, so I signed up for a (very intense!) 3-year Astrology diploma. At the time I was also juggling formal IT studies and a ladder climbing career path in the business world, so was basically just in busy-overload mode. Most people thought I was having an early mid-life crisis, and quite kooky!
Fast forward a few decades from the fascinated teenager to my 40’s … I am now a Consulting Professional Astrologer - who would have imagined the privilege!
I still study the vast subject of Astrology, every - single - day. Astrology is in my consciousness, all the time. It's the endless pathway to higher knowledge I'm happily trundling along. I'll never reach the end, and that's actually a marvellous thought!
I believe we are all made of stardust, and know the answers anyway. We just don't know we know.
To me, that is the big mystery to be solved ... to discover what we could know, and learn from it.